
PRP facial

Facial biostimulation with platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a medical-aesthetic treatment that stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin lost over the years and helps fight flaccidity, premature aging of the face, neck, neckline and hands, defines the facial frame, smoothes scars, dark circles, stretch marks, flaccidity, revitalizes the capillary area, among others.

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Hydrafacial is a non-invasive procedure for the face that combines in one session cleansing, extraction of impurities and peeling, and infiltration of serums to obtain a fresh, healthy, radiant and glowing skin.

This treatment helps improve skin hydration and eliminate the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation, oil control and wrinkles.

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Deep facial

A Deep Facial is a service provided by our skin care experts, and begins with a gentle facial steaming and then deep cleansing treatments to provide the best clinical results.

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Regular Facial

This facial treatment is a procedure performed by a professional esthetician that exfoliates, hydrates and nourishes the skin.

Each facial treatment is tailored to the needs of your skin for the best results. 

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Facial acne

Acne treatments typically employ deep pore and tissue cleansing to remove excess oil from the skin and stimulate circulation. 

We also usually incorporate a combination of steam, deep cleansing, facial extractions to remove pore-clogging sebum, a healing mask and a gentle moisturizer. 

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Chemical peels

A procedure used to improve the appearance of certain skin problems. These problems include acne scars, wrinkles or skin changes caused by prolonged sun exposure. A chemical solution is placed on the skin in order to dissolve the upper cell layers.

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Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that dermatologists use to encourage collagen production by taking advantage of the body’s natural healing response.

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Microdermabrasion is the most indicated aesthetic treatment to correct the possible sequelae that acne leaves on our skin, as well as skin aging and facial hyperpigmentation.

It is a technique of physical and superficial exfoliation of the skin. It is a controlled and precise procedure that uses microcrystals that allow a superficial and gradual abrasion. This makes it possible to exfoliate the most superficial layers of the skin, eliminating dead cells and impurities and attenuating skin folds, whether they are wrinkles, scars or any other type of mark.

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Skin bleaching

This medication may make the treated areas of skin more sensitive to the sun. Avoid prolonged sun exposure, tanning booths, and sunlamps. Use a sunscreen and wear protective clothing on the treated areas of skin when outdoors.

Use this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, use it at the same times each day.

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Mesotherapy, commonly known as “biorejuvenation” or “biorevitalization”, is a technique used to rejuvenate the skin by means of a transdermal injection of a multivitamin solution and natural plant extracts that are thought to improve the signs of skin aging

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Lip Blushing 

This treatment offers very natural results, once it has healed. Because fillers are great for creating volume in your lips, but Lip Blushing provides a more natural look and gives the illusion of fuller lips.

The technique involves a small mechanized needle that deposits pigment into the lips, which creates layers of color. This can be a corrective service to help even out lip tone, but can also help with asymmetry.

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