Weight loss treatment 

Semaglutide + B12: Weight loss treatment 

Semaglutide Diet Plan is the new FDA Approved, ‘Game Changing’ product for Weight Loss! It’s a once-a week weight loss shot backed by scientific results. The Semaglutide Diet Plan requires NO low-calorie diets or special foods however, you are encouraged to eat a healthy diet, lead an active lifestyle, and limit or omit simple carbs.

Semaglutide is an injectable weight loss peptide that works on the appetite receptors in the brain to reduce feelings of hunger and cravings.

The injection imitates GLP1 – a naturally occurring hormone in your body – which is released after you eat and indicates to your brain that you are full. These peptides also work to slow the emptying of your stomach, which leads to feelings of fullness for longer after you have eaten. The effects last for as long as you continue the injections on a maintenance dose. Scientific results of Semaglutide are from four big clinical trials of this peptide that were presented to FDA for approval, including a seminal paper published in New England Journal which treated about 1,961 participants.

 The average weight loss is 15% body-weight, achieved by 50% of the people. That is double the results achieved with the best behavioral treatment, and it’s about double what you get with most weight loss drugs.

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